Rishi Dayananda culled out ten principles from the Vedas and promulgated them as his Ten Commandments of Arya Samaj. These constitute the foundation pillars of the entire fabric of Arya Samaj to reach its goal of “Make the Whole World Noble”. They are superb formulae for attaining tranquility and assuring peace for the individual and collective happiness as well as…
10 Principals of Arya Samaj
God is the primary source of all true knowledge and of all that can be known through it. God is existent, intelligent and blissful. He is formless, almighty, just, merciful, unborn, infinite, unchallengeable, beginingless, incomparable, immortal, fearless, eternal, holy, and the maker of the universe. To him alone worship is due. The Vedas are scriptures of all true knowledge. It…