• +214-733-0363
  • gdasamaj@gmail.com or arya_samaj@swbell.net
  • Greater Dallas Arya Samaj, Texas


Rishi Dayananda culled out ten principles from the Vedas and promulgated them as his Ten Commandments of Arya Samaj. These constitute the foundation pillars of the entire fabric of Arya Samaj to reach its goal of “Make the Whole World Noble”. They are superb formulae for attaining tranquility and assuring peace for the individual and collective happiness as well as security.

These principles are very lucid and succinct from which the followers of The Samaj draw their inspiration and strength. They are regarded as the moral tenets of The Arya Samaj to be adhered to, in words and deeds. The first two describe the attributes of the Almighty, and the third states that the Vedas are the scriptures of true knowledge. Principle 5, 8 and 10 exhort the people to be righteous and promote Vidya (spiritual and moral science) and subordinate oneself to the laws of the society. The remaining four have the universal appeal and may well form part of the code of conduct of any religion. Thus, these ten principles have all relevance for our youths, who have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting and propagating of message of Vedic culture. 
               by-Dr. Prem Chand Shridhar